Holistic Care

The Journey Hospice team: Experts in holistic care

Holistic Care from Journey Hospice is a unique offering which combines traditional treatments with alternative therapies to treat the whole person—their mind, body, and spirit. The healing properties of these massage, reflexology, and pet therapies can help alleviate symptoms from a disease or illness, lessen chronic or acute pain, or ease the mind of someone with depression or anxiety.

All holistic care is coordinated by a specially trained registered nurse and is performed by Journey’s caring and attentive team. The result is a complementary course of treatment specifically intended to relieve the individual patient’s symptoms.

Journey Hospice provides a wide range of holistic offerings including:

  • Massage Therapy
  • Reflexology
  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Pet Therapy
  • Spiritual Care

Journey Hospice has relationships with many highly-specialized providers that can offer care that goes beyond what is listed above.

Holistic care includes a person’s family as well. Families are often making difficult decisions, and facing challenges such as anxiety and anticipatory grieving. Journey helps families understand symptom management, employ coping mechanisms, and take part in therapies by giving simple massage and administering essential oils.